The President of YHA India and previous president of International Youth Hostel Federation (Hostelling International), Dr. Harish K. Saxena has just left on his 80-day backpack trip across Europe and Asia. The route Dr. Saxena plans to take includes Kazakhstan, Kirghistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia,Russia, Ukrain and then Moldova.
He will then join the HI Conference in Slovenia before continuing through Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Macedonia, Korsovo and Albania before proceeding to Istanbul, crossing part of Greece to finally return back home, 80 days later.
On this trip he plans to travel by road, train and hitch to get to his next destination, documenting his journey through photos and videos on his iPad. Dr. Saxena has always been a firm believer in Hostelling International’s philosophy to ‘promote peace and International understanding’.
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