Wikivoyage, Wikimedia Foundation's next big venture is all set to launch in full to the public on January 15th. Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales said that the new travel guide website should be arriving soon.
The project, which was accepted by the Wikimedia community in August last year, was launched on Wikimedia servers in beta in November, according to the website. Wikimedia said in a blog post in December that the Wikivoyage project to create a free world travel guide which anyone can edit, launched on its servers on Nov. 10, migrating text content and accounts from old servers run by the Wikivoyage Association, a nonprofit organization based in Germany which was the former host of Wikivoyage.
The community is working on the review and transfer of media files, and the site remains in beta until this and other cleanup tasks are completed, it added. The content of the multi-language site is owned by the Wikivoyage contributors, who each own the copyright to their own contributions, and agree to license them according to a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license, one of the more liberal licenses from the nonprofit organization Creative Commons.
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