Task force officials of West Bengal have decided to introduce floatels in the Sunderbans to accommodate more tourists. Since there's bar on construction in the core forest area, it was decided in a meeting at Writers' on Tuesday that floatels will serve as an perfect alternative since it will not flout environment norms and yet accommodate tourists in large numbers.
Moreover, the officials discussed about giving tourists access to some new islands that are located in the core areas. There are plans to improve connectivity by repairing the Basanti Expressway that links Science City with Basanti. the The government will also deck up Diamond Harbour Road and the roads leading Sagar island, it was decided in the meeting.
In an effort to hard-sell the Sunderbans and as the first step, the state government is planning to showcase the mangrove forests to the tourists in the city airport. At present, there is no mention of the tourist places, particularly the Sunderbans, in the city airport though some other states try to woo air passengers through their tourist offices.
Also, setting up new tourist cottages at Dhamakhali, Godkhali and Ramganga - from where forest areas like Boney Camp, Sajnekhali, Sudhanyakhali and Jhingekhali could be reached easily - were discussed in details at Tuesday's meeting. Even the tourism island is planning to boost tourism in Bakkahali and adjoining islands.
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