The Uttar Pradesh State Tourism Department has developed a website on the Taj Mahal, giving not just complete information about the world famous monument but also photographs, impressions and video clips shot by visitors. The website, says the department, is the first of its kind for any monument and has been planned keeping in mind the heavy inflow of tourists expected during the Commonwealth Games.
The website, tajmahal.gov.in, has been designed by Prosix Softron for the UP State Tourism Department. One of the most exhaustive websites on the monument, the tourism department hopes that this will help the tourists get correct and detailed information on the monument.
Tourism Secretary Avanish Awasthi said, “The Taj Mahal fetches the largest number of visitors from all over the world. We have got this website designed so that if the tourist is planning to visit the Taj, he should have complete information about it. We do not want the tourist to go back with a bad experience.”