According to the latest Hotel Price Index (HPI) report by Hotels.com, travelers from Hong Kong spent most money to stay in India in the first half of 2013. They paid on an average INR 8,250 in 2013 which is 13% more than the previous year. The report revealed that out of 28 nations, 15 paid more in the first six months of 2013 compared with the same period in 2012. This reflects an overall rise of 1% in the country with respect to hotel room rates.
Travelers from Switzerland came in second at INR 7,321 followed by Singapore at INR 7,164. Belgium recorded the highest increase, up 38% to INR 6,776 followed by Thailand, up 28% at INR 6,298. Close neighbor China paid an extra 18% to an average INR 6,381. The sharpest fall was recorded by the Brazilians, down 13% to INR 5,932 and the Israelis down 6% to INR 6,835.
The average price paid for a hotel room in India in H1 2013 compared with H1 2012 by visiting country in INR as below
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