Acknowledging the rising number of India’s outbound travelers, VIA Rail, the National Passenger rail service of Canada has decided to extensively market itself in the India market in 2013.
In the wake of the set up, VIA will be discussing its plans for the India market at a press briefing to be held on March 04, 2013 in Delhi. The event will also be followed by a 'thank you' lunch for the local trade partners in Delhi.
Addressing the media, Pierre Santoni, Senior Director, Domestic and International Sales, Via Rail Canada will unfold the marketing strategies, the board plans on implementing for their latest venture. Realizing the importance of Indian tourism as an emerging sector, VIA plans to work on a consultative basis with India’s travel trade to provide extensive product knowledge and destination information. The national passenger railway service has a marketing strategy focused on partnering with the Canadian Tourism Commission to promote activities and engage the industry with familiarization trips.
VIA Rail carried a total of 4.1 million passengers in 2011 and also noticed a remarkable increase of 20% in the no. of Indian passengers travelling on board VIA.
As a part of the India market approach, VIA plans on working with top travel agents in the market while also training them with product knowledge by conducting regular educational workshops across Delhi & Mumbai.
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