Uttar Pradesh Tourism has offered Karnataka space at Paryatak Bhavan (tourist facilitation complex) at Lucknow, Karnataka Tourism Minister R.V. Deshpande said today.
“Today, I met Sudip Sen, Chairman of UP Tourism. He had come with a proposal for us to take up space at Lucknow. UP Tourism has offered 400 square feet at Paryatak Bhavan. We need to evaluate the offer. In this dialogue between States, we need to give them space and they in turn offer us space in their state capital,” Deshpande said.
Paryatak Bhavans are being set up in all State capitals mainly to liaise with State governments and promote tourist destinations, offer facilities like ticket booking and to help book accommodation.
Deshpande said Karnataka already has similar arrangements with Gujarat and Andhra Pradesh as per a HBL report.
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