Travel Trendz TV, a new TV channel that claims to be dedicated to the cause of promoting world travel and tourism in its true perspective, has been officially launched in Bangalore yesterday.
The Hinglish channel plans to cater to over 65 per cent of the Indian population. The infotainment channel plans to delve into tourism destinations from the Indian travelers perspective, in India as well as abroad. There will be some content from the perspective of people traveling into India. The channel plans to produce its own programs to a large extent. Travel Trendz, promoted by Agrigold, a group with diverse interests has R Rama Rao Avvas as chairman, and Mohammed Abdul Azeem as executive director and CEO.
"Our emphasis is on showing the different colors of India through unique programming. The channel has invested in extensively in its production as well as acquiring high quality international content with an objective to offer viewers 24x7 experience that is original, relevant and impactful. The channel will be meant for the entire family," said Travel Trendz director Apurupa Avvas.
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