The President of Argentina, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, has underlined the importance of tourism as a sector able to “generate decent work and wealth across the entire country” on receiving the UNWTO/World Travel &Tourism Council (WTTC) Open Letter on Tourism (Buenos Aires, Argentina, 28 August 2012).
“The travel and tourism industry in Argentina makes an important contribution to the national economy and is a powerful path towards territorial development, given its ability to generate decent work and wealth across the entire country,” said President Fernández.
The President pointed to “economic development with social inclusion and the conservation of heritage” as the cornerstone of Argentina’s tourism policy. “We are driven by the vision of becoming South America’s tourism destination of reference for our diversity and quality of supply, based on the balanced development of the habitats and identities of our people,” she said.
Meeting with the President on the occasion of the presentation of Argentina’s new Marketing Plan 2012-2015, UNWTO Secretary-General, Taleb Rifai and WTTC President & CEO, David Scowsill presented an Open Letter which calls on global leaders to support tourism as a driver of economic growth and development.
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