Exploitation of its rich cultural heritage and biodiversity would put Assam on the world map of tourism, asserted tourism minister Chandan Brahma at the `Assam Tourism Brand Summit' at Guwahati. Besides showcasing its cultural and historical heritage, Brahma said, tourism in the state could be a sustainable industry by exploiting its natural resources.
Tourism being the only non-polluting industry, he said, promotion of tourism here was also vital for generating employment, earning foreign currency and for romoting peace and prosperity.Tourism can also bring peace to the North East region by creating employment opportunities for the jobless youth, the minister pointed out.
The state's biodiversity for eco-tourism included two World Heritage Sites - Kaziranga National Park in central Assam and Manas National Park on the foot hills of the Himalayas along Bhutan, Brahma said.KNP and MNP are the only two sites among the five World Heritage Sites in the country, he pointed out.
The areas that could be promoted to attract visitors were Majuli - the largest river island in the world, the rich rain forests, lush tea gardens, golf courses, lakes, rivers and river-cruises, Brahma pointed out.The state tourism department would soon be starting river cruises on luxury vessels, set up new golf courses, resorts and convention centres to promote tourism.
To showcase Assam, a three-day international carnival would be organised here here from April eight, next year where neighbouring countries and diplomats from 129 embassies and high commissions in the country would be invited, the minister said.