Tourism Council of Bhutan – the government body responsible for marketing, planning, regulating and monitoring tourism in Bhutan has appointed Charson Advisory Services Pvt. Ltd. as their India representative office. This is the first time that Bhutan will be represented in India.
Charson Advisory will be responsible for carrying out marketing initiatives, trade industry relations, media networking and public relations activities in India on behalf of Tourism Council of Bhutan.
Commenting on their heightened presence in India, Mr. ThujiDorjiNadik, Acting Managing Director for the Secretariat of the Tourism Council of Bhutan commented, “We have always felt close to India on account of our proximity to the country, its people and association through trade and tourism. Given the importance and potential of the Indian outbound market, we have entrusted Charson Advisory with the responsibility of further strengthening Bhutan's relationship with Indian travel trade community, travelers and developing new niche market segments.”
In the year 2011, Bhutan received 65, 756 high-end visitors with a growth of 56.65% over year 2010 and this does not include 35,077 regional tourists coming via land. As part of the mandate to further enhance the image and intrigue in the destination, Charson Advisory plans on amplifying Bhutan’s diverse tourism product offerings through trade industry training workshops, marketing and communication activity management, familiarization visits for the trade and media in addition to disseminating brochures, industry newsletters, press releases and solving consumer queries.
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