Vidarbha Economic Development (VED) Council is organising a two day Wagh Utsav to promote tiger tourism in the region. The event will take place on February 10 and 11 at South Central Zone Cultural Centre (SCZCC).
Apart from a host of events marking the event, the Day Two of the Utsav will also see launch of Friends of Tiger Country - Central India by Sushmita Sen who will be the brand ambassador of the organization. "We are organising this to bring all stakeholders together to work for the development of the region," said Vilas Kale, of Cenin Travels, one of the organizers.
Various competitions will be held during the two-day festival in which students from across the city will be taking part. The famous Wagh dance of Nagpur will be the star attraction of the event. "Wagh dance is unique to Nagpur wherein people paint themselves in colours of tiger and dance to the rhythm of drumbeats," Kale said.
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