Thomas Cook (India) Ltd, India’s largest integrated travel and travel related financial services company has launched Thomas Cook U-Special Wings Scholarship 2013, an initiative under its U-Special student program which caters to students travelling overseas for further education. The Wings Scholarship entails sponsorship of a one way air-ticket to students going to US, UK, Australia and Canada for 2 deserving candidates.
Thomas Cook Wings Scholarship is a platform to reward students who not only seek higher education for studying abroad but also seek the same to grow as individuals and professionals. As a part of the application of the scholarship, students have to send a 100 word note to students@thomascook.in elucidating clearly - ‘Studying abroad is an ambition but I am also looking forward to travelling abroad for…’ The mail should end with the participant’s name, DOB, email, postal address & contact number. Entries are welcome till June 30, 2013.
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