Thomas Cook (India) Limited declared its first quarter results.
Highlights for the Quarter:
* Revenue increased to Rs. 867 million from Rs.820 million, an increase of 6% compared to Q1 of last year.
* Outbound travel revenue grew by 16%
* Foreign Exchange volumes in India for the quarter increased by 8%
* Operating PBT - Rs.14 million against loss of Rs. 3 million *(excluding profit on sale of property in Q1 2011 of Rs 76 mn)
* Operating PAT - Rs.8 million against a loss of Rs. 29 million *(excluding profit on sale of property in Q1 2011 of Rs 76 mn)
Thomas Cook (India) Ltd. posted an increase in revenue of 6% in Q1 on a consolidated basis. Despite depreciation of the rupee contributing to a negative customer sentiment, the overall Outbound sales has grown by an impressive 56%. MICE and Outbound Leisure have been key contributors, with an increase of 54% and 44% respectively over Q1 of the previous financial year. Passenger numbers for the outbound group segment have shown a record increase of 44%. Transactions for the Foreign Exchange vertical have increased by 8% over the previous year.
In anticipation of the upcoming holiday booking season, strong focus on advertisement and marketing was required, resulting in an increase in spend of 40% over the previous year.
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