The Travel Agents Federation of India held its 17th AGM on Saturday, July 23 2011, at the Le Meridien, Pune. It was informative and enjoyable in keeping with the mood of the Silver Jubilee - flying high all the way!
The AGM with a difference – the numbers were good--it was well attended, and the enthusiasm high! That there was representation from all the Chapters and member participation, including Managing Committee members, in a non election year spoke of its strength. The range of topics discussed by the members spoke of the bright future of the trade.
The President, Mr. Ajay Prakash in his speech, elaborated on the year that had been--the activities, the phenomenal success of the Dubai convention, the revenue that had flowed in, and the high level of accountability of the office bearers. He further went on to thank Ms. Aditi Bhende, Chapter Chairperson and Mr. Shivesh Anand, Chapter Secretary for the excellent arrangements made to conduct the AGM.
These were TAFI’s firsts in many ways. While the Dubai convention held place of pride and focused on the larger vision, the AGM report which included the Balance Sheet, Income and Expenditure Account with its detailed subcommittee reports from each office bearer spoke volumes of the dedicated and detailed dovetailing of its activities at the Chapter level was well received by Members more so with the surplus recorded. [It was for the first time that the work of the subcommittees was recorded in print and placed before its members].
Mr. Sampath Kumar, Honorary National General Secretary presented the official Agenda and conducted the proceedings of the meet, and Mr. Promod Kohli, Vice-President who is also a member from the Pune Chapter proposed the vote of thanks and invited all members to stay back and enjoy the evening of togetherness.
It was an evening beyond balance sheets. The networking at Hard Rock Cafe that evening signified not just camaraderie but the trust, pride and hope that the members have in TAFI. Time to fly higher!