The 18th Annual General Body Meeting (AGM) of the Travel Agents Federation Of India (TAFI) will be held on Wednesday, the 08th August 2012 at 11 am at The Lalit Plaza International Airport Road, Andheri East, Mumbai-400059.
The agenda of the meeting will include confirmation of the the minute of the AGM held in July, 2011 at Pune, to adopt the previous years audited statement of accounts, to elect The President, Vice President, General Secretary, Treasurer and five Managing Committee Members for the term of 2012-2014 by Way of E Voting, to appoint Auditors and fix their remunerations and to consider any other matter, due notice of which has been given to the Managing Committee five days prior to the General Body Meeting To consider any other matter with the permission of the Chairman of the meeting.
Ajay Prakash who is the President of TAFI said "For all its alleged faults, democracy still remains the best possible system since periodically it gives people the right to exercise their choice and elect their representatives. The corollary, of course, is that we all get the Government - or leadership - we choose. It is, therefore, vital that each one of us cast our vote in order to choose a truly representative team. It is also very important that the largest number of eligible persons be given the opportunity to exercise their right to vote".
He said that not more than 300-400 people cast their vote at the TAFI national elections which was just 30% of the TAFI membership.
He said "If people do not cast their vote, they have no sense of involvement with the leadership since the attitude is "I didn't elect them," and any Association derives its strength only from the active participation, involvement and monitoring by its members."
He also added "It is with a view to addressing this situation that at the EOGM in 2010, the General Body of TAFI approved an amendment to our Rules & Regulations to permit Electronic Voting. Members can vote from their office or homes or even cast an E vote in person at the AGM. This is a pathbreaking decision since it empowers every eligible TAFI member to vote".
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