The newly elected team under the President ship of Mr. Zakkir Ahmed had their first Managing Committee meeting in Mumbai on the 22nd August 2012.
The South Africa convention to be held in Durban has been postponed to February 2013 to enable the new team to have sufficient time to focus on bringing value to the convention and organize it to bring optimum value to the delegates. Its South African hosts have been very supportive and appreciating the short time available to the new team have kindly agreed to the postponement and the new dates will be announced shortly.
The Managing Committee decided to appoint Ms. Aditi Bhende as the chairperson and Mr. Bharat Shah as the co chairman of the convention committee to organize the forthcoming convention at Durban, South Africa. Aditi has the experience of co chairing the acclaimed Macau Convention and Bharat has been associated with the highly successful conventions at Singapore, Kota Kinabalu and Chiang Mai.