Singapore-based Master Consult Services Pte Ltd (MCSPL) is charting out a long-term master plan to upgrade tourism facilities in Sikkim. The company is aiming at developing a sustainable roadmap that will uphold the culture and spiritualism of the hill state.
As per a report in the TOI, MCSPL will arrange various workshops to train people and develop connectivity through proper roads and enhanced helicopter services. According to MCSPL managing director Christopher Khoo, the plan will be a 20-year long initiative. "It will upgrade facilities, including hotel services and building up of proper infrastructure, in 11 towns," he said.
In 1997, Sikkim had initiated a 15-year master plan prepared by Tata Consultancy Services (TCS). TCS had estimated domestic tourist flow to touch at 3.5 lakh by 2012. The number of foreign tourists, as estimated by TCS, stood at 35000. But till early 2011, tourist flow surpassed all estimates with 8 lakh domestic tourists visiting the state.
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