Sheikh Mohammed Centre for Cultural Understanding (SMCCU) is a nonâ€profit organization established to increase awareness and understanding between the various cultures that live in and visit Dubai. Operating under the banner of “Open Doors, Open Minds,” SMCCU strives to remove barriers between people of different nationalities and raise awareness of the local culture, customs and religion of the United Arab Emirates.
As per a release from DTCM India, SMCCU received over 34,000 visitors at our cultural breakfasts, lunches and walking, heritage and mosque tours in 2010 and hope to receive even more in 2011. Whilst these, their core activities, are synonymous with both SMCCU and cultural understanding, they are pleased to announce updates and new initiatives will continue to bring new and repeat guests from all over the world in 2011 and thereafter.
The new website which was launched this week, is more interactive for users. It features online news articles, coverage, photos and videos of SMCCU, and there are plans for an archive to feature all digital information produced about SMCCU since its inception. The most exciting feature will be an online reservation system which will make it easy for guests around the world to plan and book their trips in advance.
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