Union Tourism Minister Subodh Kant Sahai has asked India Tourism Development Corporation (ITDC), the public sector undertaking under the aegis of the Ministry of Tourism to explore the possibilities of setting up Budget hotels in the country for the benefit of common tourists.
He was speaking after receiving a divided cheque of Rs. 3.95 crore for the financial year 2011-12 from Dr. Lalit K. Panwar, Vice Chairman & Managing Director, ITDC yesterday 25th october. Shri Sahai said "ITDC is a brand ambassador of India Tourism and has to show its worth."
The Minister appreciated the performance of the company and wished it more success in the years to come. The turnover of the Corporation increased from Rs. 392.36 crore to Rs. 423.06 crore registering an increase of 7.82% in 2011-12.
The Corporation has earned a profit of Rs. 22.02 crore (before tax) for this financial year against a loss of Rs. 11.73 crore during 2010-11 and a loss of Rs. 20.51 during 2009-10.
The Corporation, besides showing improvement in the turnover and profitability, also showed a significant improvement in the operational mduring the year In the 47th Annual General Meeting of the Corporation, the Dividend at the rate of 5% (that is Rs 4.28 crore) was approved.
The Corporation could not distribute Dividend to its shareholders during the past two years due to operational losses during 2009-10 and 2010-11.
As during the year 2011-12, there has been a profit; a Dividend of RS 3.95 crore is being paid to the Ministry of Tourism and Rs 0.33 crore for distribution to other shareholders of the Corporation.
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