In a land of 7 billion villages and 330 million Gods, there is more off the map than there is on it. But slowly and surely, rural tourism initiatives in India are connecting the present to the past, the avenues to the gallis, and people to people, making history, culture, craft and tradition relevant in a contemporary context.
Whether through milking a goat, ploughing a field, harvesting rice, learning a few Warli strokes, building a greenhouse, watching fireflies outshine each other in the mating game, or simply sleeping under the stars, rural tourism initiatives are not just giving city-slickers a taste of life on the other side of the farm hedge; they are creating sustainable eco-systems, which provide alternate sources of income for village dwellers without straining their existing resources.
Organic farms, apple orchards, coffee plantations... there's a lot to choose from. The cuisine varies with the geography, but what stays the same is the fruit-of-the-earth authenticity. India Untravelled sources and develops relationships with places and people located slightly off the beaten path to give you a taste and feel of how the other side lives.
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