The cash-strapped scions of many erstwhile royal families of Orissa feel that the government should preserve the dying palaces. At a meeting here last week, 20 erstwhile kings expressed their willingness to approach the government seeking financial assistance to develop the palaces into places of tourist importance as per a report in TOI by Debabrata Mohapatra. The Maharajas were from Puri, Nilagiri, Aul, Hindol, Khandapada, Narsinghpur, Badamba and Talcher.
"Just as the state government is spending money for restoration of temples and monuments, the government should take up the preservation and conservation of the age-old palaces. Unlike the bygone days, most Maharajas are not financially sound to maintain the palaces," said Jayant Chandra Mardaraj Harichandan, Maharaja of Nilagiri in Balasore district. The Nilagiri palace was believed to have been built in 1750 . "It was renovated and rebuilt in 1893," Harichandan said.
At present, 55 palaces exist in Orissa, sources said. Most were constructed nearly 500 years ago. While some palaces belonged to the era called Gadajat Rajya (princely state), many were owned by zamindars. There were 22 Gadajat states in Orissa. The royal family members laid stress on the necessity to promote the palaces of tourist interest. "Like Rajasthan tourism, the Orissa government should preserve the palaces and turn it into tourist attractions. Most of us agreed to allow visitors into our palaces," said Braj Keshari Deo, Maharaja of Aul in Kendrapada district.
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