Orissa Tourism To Build Replica of Jagannath Temple

Since non Hindus are not allowed inside the Jagannath temple, foreign tourists will be able to get a feel of the shrine

Travel News
Travel News

Orissa tourism plans to build replica of Jagannath temple for foreign tourists. Since non Hindus are not allowed inside the Jagannath temple Orissa tourism has come up with the plan of replica. This will give foreign tourists a feel of the shrine. The proposed replica is planned to built half km away from the real Lord Jagannath Temple in Puri.

As for now non hindu tourists use the rooftop of Emar mutt to get a glimpse of the temple. The proposed replica will give perfect opportunity to the tourists to get a feel of the temple. At the same time it will benefit the temple. Foreign tourists are happy with decision of the replica since they are not allowed to enter the main temple.

However the priests of the Jagannath temple aren't impressed. One of the priest has said that Jagannath temple is a religious place not a museum therefore there should not be any replica. Other priests are wondering if there'll be idols of gods inside the temple. In that case non Hindus should not be given permission to enter the replica temple since it will hurt religious sentiments of the Hindus.

Orissa tourism board has assured that it will seek the opinion of the priests before finalizing the plan. There has been debate on whether non Hindus should be allowed inside the Jagannath temple. However there are shrines of Muslims and Jains that does not allow people from other religious therefore it will be impossible to force priests to allow non Hindus.
