The Odisha Government is in the process to formulate a new tourism policy revising the 15-year-old one in order to make the tourism in the State more attractive.
Tourism and Culture Minister Maheswar Mohanty said after a high level meeting on Wednesday attended by the stakeholders on promotion of tourism that the Draft Tourism Policy would be finalised very soon and would be announced after being vetted by the Cabinet.
According to official sources, the old policy was formulated in 1997 in order to cope with the changing needs in the tourism sector. The new Tourism Policy would be announced within two months by January, 2013. Formation of Tourism Promotion Council in State, district and local levels are the main component of the proposed policy.
Sources said that the policy is being prepared after extensive study of the polices being adopted by States including Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Gujarat, Rajasthan and Kerala. The proposed vision document has given much stress on encouraging better investment in creation of world-class infrastructure so as to develop Odisha as one of the most preferred destinations for tourists across India and abroad.
The objective of the new policy is to promote sustainable tourism with a view to create employment opportunity, preserve, enrich and promote Odisha’s cultural heritage. Besides, priority is being given to promote eco-tourism and boost footfalls of domestic and foreign tourists.
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