Odisha government has decided to work out a master plan for promotion and development of eco-tourism destinations involving the community, tour operators and other stake holders.
State Chief Secretary G C Pati has given this direction while reviewing the progress of eco-tourism in a high level meeting held in secretariat today.
Mr Pati said the wild life conservation and eco-tourism be integrated through active participation of the community. Wild life can more effectively conserved when the local community feels a stake in it by way of earning livelihood from eco- tourism.
Official sources here said a committee has been constituted under the Chairmanship of Development Commissioner U N Behera with Tourism and Forest Department on board and to work out the details of the Master Plan.
The Odisha Eco tourism Development Board has been asked to develop software for issue of online pass to the tourists through a single window e-platform.
It has been decided in the meeting that the boats carrying the tourists for site seeing in eco-tourist destinations will be registered and insured.
The boat owners will be mobilized to install GPS tracking devices in their boats for better guidance and security.A separate web portal named www.ecotourodisha.com has been developed by OFDC which will be opened for public use very soon.
Two delegations from Odisha have already studied the eco-tourism models adopted in Kearla and Madhya Pradesh. The Bio-Diversity Board has undertaken bio-diversity mapping of the eco-tourist destinations.
Experts, Tour operators and hoteliers have suggested for development of six eco-tourist destinations in the first phase for immediate attraction of international tourists. The places like Chilika, Bhitarkanita, Similipal, Kuldiha, Satkosia , Debrigarh, Nandankanan and Chandka have been identified for augmentation of facilities and services.
The eco-tourists destinations like Bramhapura, Satapada, Balikhand, Ansupa, Saptasaya, Mangalajodi and Rajhans have also been taken up for development.
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