The 4th members meet of OTOAI – Outbound Tour Operators Association of India was held at Park Baluchi, Deer Park, Hauz Khas, New Delhi on Monday, 22nd April 2013. The President Mr. Guldeep Singh Sahni welcomed over 130 members to the Meeting.
He said the aim of this evening meet was to update our honourable members, the distinguished Media persons and special invitees on the progress made by OTOAI since our last gathering in the month of December 2012 at Mumbai and to preview our future course of action/our vision in the development of Travel Industry.
Mr. Sahni said, we look forward to working closely with the Indian Administration to improve policies that would bring relief to outbound tour operators with regard to Service Taxes, to create more awareness among Indian travelers with the help of Overseas National Tourism Offices in India to increase international travels as well as increase the facilitation of travelers within India. He thanked all the NTO’S in India who had extended their help to OTOAI.
He said the success of OTOAI depends in generating a climate of understanding the importance of Travel & Tourism with discussions between the responsible persons of Travel & Tourism industry, Indian Government Ministry of Tourism, and the community at large. He emphasized the need to increase membership numbers and create awareness of how fast the travel industry is growing.
Questions & Answers Session with the President Mr. Guldeep Singh Sahni and assisted by Joint Secretary – Mr. Vineet Gopal.
Questions Members raised included a number of issues, such as Service Tax, Educational Trips, arbitrations etc. This session ended very smooth.
The Joint Secretary – Mr. Vineet Gopal, introduced to the audience the representatives of the National Tourism Offices and asked them to address the gathering with a few words. He also requested the Overseas Members and the National Tourism Offices to work closely with OTOAI Members and to take appropriate steps to network with our members for the mutual benefit of each other and the Tourism Industry in general in India.
Later Mr. Vineet Gopal announced the formation of 11 Working Committees of OTOAI and gave brief highlights of each Committee with their functions and duties. He said that each committee was headed by a Chairman & and Co-chairman. He invited from the audience, persons gifted with talent, experience and knowledge in their specialized field to come forward and devote/spare some of their precious time for the improvement in the functioning of 11 Working Committees of OTOAI, which will ultimately result in the improvement of Travel Trade Industry. OTOAI will be happy to welcome them and use their talent for the betterment of travel industry. The eleven working committees so formed are as follows:
1. GOUVERNMENT : Mr. Guldeep Singh Sahni - Chairman, Mr. SajJeet – Advisor & Co-Chairman, Assisted by Mr. Riaz Munshi and Mr. Vineet Gopal
FUNCTIONS & DUTIES: Role of this will to address all issue related to Govt like service tax , passport office etc, also issues with embassy and high commission also this committee will be responsible for working with other TRADE Association.
2. N. T. O. : Mr. Riaz Munshi – Chairman, Ms. Vasudha – Co-Chairman,
FUNCTIONS & DUTIES: Role of this will be working closely with all NTO in India and abroad, Association Tie up with different Trade shows and Hosted Buyer Programs
3. FAM : Mr. Vineet Gopal – Chairman and Mr. Shravan Bhalla – Co Chairman
FUNCTION & DUTIES : To organize FAM tours for Active Members or as per the decision of Executive Committee. To make arrangements for the hospitality to be provided to members during the tour, and to work according to FAM tour guidelines.
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