The Ministry of Tourism organised a national workshop of stakeholders in New Delhi on yesterday to formulate guidelines on tapping the international and domestic potential of Golf Tourism, along with exploring the linkages with the hotel industry and MICE sector.
MoT aims to create a comprehensive and coordinated framework for promoting golf tourism in India, capitalizing on the existing work that is being carried out, and building upon the strength of India’s position as the fastest growing free market economy. India has several golf courses of international standards.
Further, golf events held in India also attract domestic and international tourists. With international tourists expected to grow in the next few years, it is important that India has the right product to meet the need of the visitors Recognizing this potential to develop Golf as a niche tourism product for attracting both International and domestic tourists, the objective of the workshop was to evolve a road map for formulating strategies for development and promotion of golf tourism in India.
During the workshop, the four working groups comprising golf clubs, corporate, travel trade representatives, Professionals golfers, Golf Event managers discussed & came out with suggestions which will guide the Ministry of Tourism in its future course of action to position India as a leading golf destination in the region.
The four major broad subjects discussed in the workshop include : Strategy for Marketing and promotion of International Golf Tourism. Strategy for Marketing and promotion of Domestic Golf Tourism. Identification and improvement of golf infrastructure - Linkages with Hotels, Travel Trade, MICE segment etc.
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