The tourism ministry has decided to develop 35 tourism circuits by 2016 under the 12th Five Year Plan on a public-private partnership basis, a statement issued by the ministry said.
The decision was taken at the National Tourism Advisory Council meeting Dec 12. The proposed outlay for the 35 circuits is Rs 9,450 crore. Thee tourism ministry has asked the Planning Commission to allocate Rs 23,000 crore in the 12th Five Year Plan as against the allocation of Rs 5,156 crore during the 11th plan.
Union tourism minister Subodh Kant Sahai said, "Under the 12th plan, the ministry will focus on skill development, infrstraucture development, promotion of tourism, hygiene and sanitation, sustainable tourism, safe and honourbale tourism, niche tourism, taxation, incentives and convergence."
He said the tourism ministry has asked the government that "tax levied on tourism industry should be unified, rationalised and made globally competitive".
"The foreign exchange earned by hotels and inbound tour operators may be considered as "deemed exports" and full service tax exemption be provided to them on a par with other exporters," said Sahai.
The government has also decided to develop 20 tourism parks in the 12th Five Year Plan on at least 50 acres of land.