Minister for Tourism and Major Events Louise Asher announced today that Melbourne has secured 14 association business events in the first quarter of 2012/13, which will generate a forecasted $27 million for the Victorian economy.
Melbourne has been awarded nine international and five national conferences, which will attract an estimated 7550 delegates to Victoria over the next six years. Some of these events include:
• Engineers Australia National Conference 2014
• Green Cities 2015 • Congress of the International Federation for Structural Concrete 2018; and
• General Meeting of the International Mineralogical Association 2018. Ms Asher said the wins added to the impressive results achieved in the last financial year. “The 2011/12 financial year saw the Melbourne Convention + Visitors Bureau (MCVB) deliver its best results on record in terms of estimated room nights and forecasted economic impact,”
Ms Asher said. “MCVB secured 210 international and national business events for Victoria – a 62 per cent increase on the 2011/12 full year target.” “The business events secured in the last financial year will inject a forecasted $361 million into the Victorian economy over the coming years, and are a great testament to the ability of Melbourne and Victoria to compete in this global market.”
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