Maharashtra topped an all-India annual ranking on travel and tourism, conducted by a hospitality consultant for the year 2010-11. Goa was second, followed by Delhi. Some of the criteria include tourist arrivals, expenditure on tourism, presence of branded hotels, marketing campaigns, urbanisation, road and rail infrastructure and aircraft movement, among others. While Maharashtra scored high on all counts, rising from the fourth rank in 2009 to the top slot, Delhi was relatively weaker on marketing effort, state expenditure on tourism and luxury tax on hotel rooms.
Goa needs to improve, said the study, in certain intangible areas like safety and security. The survey also noted that Goa remains a difficult market from a developer's point of view. The state also scored very low on airport infrastructure. However, the survey said that irrespective of how much a hotel developer or investor may complain about the state, Goa remains a strong market from the demand perspective.
Tamil Nadu dropped from the number one position in 2009 to the fourth place this year. While it continued to do well in tourist arrivals, branded hotel rooms, road and rail infrastructure, the state has reduced its budgetary provisions for travel and tourism. The state also scored low on luxury tax.
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