Discovery channel will feature beaches, caves, forts and wildlife in Maharashtra in its six-part series which will be telecast in March next year. The Maharashtra Tourism Development Corporation (MTDC) is signing an agreement with the channel for the series which would cost Rs 3 crore.
As part of its promotional activity, the MTDC has decided to promote the beaches in Raigad, Ratnagiri and Sindhudurg, forts in Sahyadri range, wildlife in Vidarbha and caves in various parts of the state. It has realised the tremendous potential in beaches and forts and hence has requested the channel to focus on these areas.
The channel, which has expertise in real time documentaries on adventurous segments, has been appointed for the six-episode series. “Two parts each will be shot on beaches and forests, while one part will be on wildlife and caves. We are in the process of identifying the destinations that are expected to be featured in the series. Our executives will accompany the Discovery team during the shooting,” said Avinash Dhakane, joint managing director, MTDC.
Dhakane said that the MTDC will use the footage of the series in its future promotional initiatives.
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