While the Supreme Court has banned tourism in the core area of tiger reserves, Madhya Pradesh State Tourism Development Corporation (MPSTDC) is exploring new avenues, one of them being, development of scenic sites near power generation stations into tourists' spots. For this, the corporation has sought cooperation from MP Power Generating Company Limited (MPPGCL) to go ahead with its plans.
"Top brass of the state corporation has contacted us evincing their interest to develop tourists' spots at the picturesque spots near our power stations," MPPGCL managing director (MD) Vijendra Nanavati told TOI.
"We have no problem if they want to develop tourist spots. Our prime concern is that the security and operation of the power generation stations should not be breached. There is a set of rules in this regard and we will ensure that they are followed," he said.
Nanavati said the MPTDC wants to start with creating tourists' spots near Satpura Thermal Power Station, Sarni in Betul district. This power station is surrounded by thick forest cover, he added.
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