Asia has emerged as the strongest player in low-cost carrier (LCC) seats with an overall increase of 28 per cent in the first six months of 2013, a new analysis has said.
With a total of 129 million departing LCC seats in Asia, carriers in Indonesia (capacity up by 12.3 million seats), India (capacity up by 3.0 million seats), Thailand (capacity up by 2.0 million seats) and Malaysia (capacity up by 1.8 million) are responsible for half the total global LCC capacity growth, said the analysis by Amadeus' Air Traffic solution.
"When capital cities are examined, it is evident that capacity increases are being driven by emerging Asian nations. Jakarta saw the strongest absolute LCC capacity growth of any capital, increasing by 2.8 million seats or 44 per cent, closely followed by Bangkok, up 1.2 million seats or 30 per cent.
In addition, the heavily developed Tokyo market also saw a significant increase in LCC seat capacity, which suggests the traditional focus on full service could be changing," a statement released here said.
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