Inspite of sufferring more than 40 years of bloody terror and dictatorship, a Libyan tourist organisation believes that the new democracy has what it takes to be the next top tourist spot.
With more than 2000 km of palm-fringed coastline and an historic quarter in Tripoli, the Libyan Society for the Activation of Tourism has said the country has a lot to offer to adventurers.
Libya has five UNESCO World Heritage sites, including a well-preserved Roman amphitheatre in Leptus Magna, regarded as the best in North Africa, while Tripoli oozes history.
Adel Belhaj of the Libyan Society for the Activation of Tourism said Libya is filled with ancient ruins, which makes it a "paradise" for history buffs.
"Libya has all it takes to become a vacation paradise," said Belhaj.
American tourist Jo Rawlins Gilbert said he "did not feel the least bit unsafe" during his recent visit there.
With Muammar Gaddafi's rule over, authorities are hoping the country will emerge as a safer destination for tourists.
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