Frequent landslides along the road leading up to the Rohtang Pass threaten to ruin the tourist season in Ladakh and Spiti. Many drivers are now refusing to take the Manali-Rohtang highway, which further leads into Ladakh and Spiti areas.
Light rains are triggering landslides almost daily, which is leading to long traffic jams and restricting tourists to stay within the confines of their vehicles and wait for traffic to flow again. Although the Border Roads Organization (BRO) had repaired the 200-meter damaged stretch at Rahni Nullah last week, the monsoon has damaged it once again.
This stretch of road is already sinking due to the regular flow of water down the hill. BRO has put all its efforts in trying to stop the land from sliding, but controlling landslides is proving difficult for them as per a report in the TOI.
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