The famous Agaya Gangai waterfalls in the Kolli Hills in Namakkal district,is devoid of basic amenities.Even though water is abundant and available throughout the year in the Kolli Hills falls, tourists prefer to bathe in other falls nearby.
To reach the waterfalls, one has to climb 1,025 steps; for, the pristine atmosphere, crystal clear water and fresh air make the one-km journey worthwhile. Visitors have to wade through the water for nearly 100 meters to reach the falls. Rather, it is the absence of basic facilities such as drinking water, changing room, toilets and first aid that keep the ardent tourist away.
Situated close to the Arapaleeswarar temple atop the Kolli Hills, the water cascades from a height of 300 feet throughout the year. On any given day, the waterfalls receive over 50 people of all ages and double the number on weekends and holidays.
The site near the waterfalls presents a pathetic sight as it is strewn with plastic waste, beer bottles, shoes, clothes and inner garments.
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