Facing heat from all quarters, the management of grounded Kingfisher Airlines (KFA) on Wednesday yet again submitted a restart plan to director general of civil aviation (DGCA) Arun Mishra.
Sources say the new plan does not meet the pre-conditions, which Mishra had set for KFA's re-start like clearing salary dues to employees and getting no-objection certificates (NOC) from all agencies the airline owes money to. The plan submitted by KFA CEO Sanjay Aggarwal on Wednesday reportedly did not have NOCs (no-objection certificates) from Airports Authority of India (AAI), tax authorities and banks.
Only some private airports are learnt to have given NOCs to the airline for flying again. AAI's NOC is most critical as it provides air traffic services at all airports - whether state-owned or the PPP metro ones. KFA has not operated a single flight since October 1, 2012, and its flying licence lapsed on December 31, 2012.
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