Kerala Tourism has invited all accommodation units in the state to take part in a major survey aimed at creating a one-stop database that can be accessed by visitors to the state as well as tourism industry stakeholders.
The survey covers hotels, homestays, houseboats, heritage buildings under the ‘grahasthali’ project, Ayurveda centres, rest houses, guest houses, Yatri Nivas and other establishments offering accommodation to tourists in Kerala.
Around 100 enumerators took part in a state-level workshop held in Thiruvananthapuram on Friday to create awareness about the survey which will be conducted by the Department of Economics and Statistics from January 15 to February 28.
“We urge all tourism industry stakeholders to take part in this survey. Accommodation is one of the basic infrastructure required for tourism, we want to unify all information on this into a single directory that will be a valuable resource for everyone,” said Hon’ble Minister for Tourism Mr. A P Anil Kumar.
Arrangements for data collection and data entry have been made by the deputy directors of the economics and statistics department in each district. The forms are being distributed to the managers of each establishment by one investigator under the taluk statistical officer/statistical inspector.
The information collected will be made available on the official Kerala Tourism website.
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