Sitting in a breezy amphitheatre by the tri-sea after sunset, tourists visiting Kanyakumari will soon be feasting on a Son et lumiere show - initially a narrative on the life and times of Swami Vivekananda - as an additional night-time entertainment in the pilgrim-cum-tourist centre.
The trial run for the light and sound show, brought to the land’s end by ITDC at a cost of Rs. 2.25 crore, took place on Saturday at the new open air auditorium with a seating capacity of 300.
Constructed near the boat yard from where ferry services now operate to the Vivekananda rock and Tiruvalluvar statue, the auditorium has a giant screen for showing visuals on the life history of the ‘wandering monk’, who is said to have visited Kanyakumari in 1892 and meditated for three days on the rock.
With the help of imported lighting equipment, the rocks of Vivekananda and Tiruvalluvar would be illuminated in colourful lights in between the show, enhancing the splendour of two monuments, the project engineer, P Ayyadurai, said. “There will be two shows daily. Though the Hindi version is available, we plan to conduct shows in English and Tamil only now.”
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