The Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) and the Jaipur city police on Sunday sounded a high alert following the Intelligence Bureau (IB) warning on a possible hijack plan at four probable spots in the country, including Jaipur.
Paul Manickam, director, AAI Jaipur, said, "We have also asked the airlines to keep a tab on the entry and exit of passengers. In case they suspect any passenger, they should immediately inform the security,"
Manickam expressed satisfaction over the security arrangements inside the terminal building but raised doubts on security outside the building due to densely populated residential colonies surrounding the airport as per a report in TOI.
CISF officials are now on high alert, especially with Independence Day approaching. "We are fully alert especially for the Independence Day. Every passenger would be properly frisked before he boards ithe plane," said J W Khan, Commandant, CISF, Jaipur airport.
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