Upbeat over the “record” tourist arrivals to Kashmir last year, Tourism Department Monday kick-started a campaign “Preparation for Tourist Season 2012”.
As a first step of the campaign, the department organized a one-day seminar in which officials of the department as well as the tourism traders participated.
Expecting a smooth tourism season ahead, Director Tourism, Farooq Ahmad Shah said they were hopeful that the number of tourists to Kashmir will cross 20 lakh this year. “Last year 10 lakh tourists visited Kashmir,” he said as per a report in Greaterkashmir by Mukeet Akmali.
Shah on the occasion stressed the need for bringing in professionalism in the sector. “We have worked hard to promote our tourism industry throughout the world. Now it is our time to reap the rewards,” he said.
He said tourists were the real promoters of tourism in the state. “If we deal with them professionally, they will become our promoters and will tell their native people about this place,” Shah said.
Principal Hostel Management on the occasion offered to train people directly dealing with the tourists in order to set good standards in the hospitality sector.
Others who spoke on the occasion included President Travel Agents Society of Kashmir (TASK), President, Travel Agents Association of Kashmir (TAAK,) President Kashmir Hotel and Restaurant Association (KHARA), President Kashmir Hotel and Restaurants Owner Federation (KHAROF), Chairman House Boat Owners Association (HBOA).