TripAdvisor revealed the results of their Health and Fitness on Holiday survey which highlights that despite the holidaymaker’s intention to focus on mental and physical health, vacations are still largely times of abandon and not regulation.
Food habits reveal that Indians do intend to, and were making an effort to maintain their diet or opt for healthier options on holiday. But in the spirit of the holidays, a significant segment still gave in to indulgence.
A whopping 66% of respondents claimed eating healthy is important to them on vacation. Despite the claim, a substantial 46% confessed to eating less healthy on holiday.
But it’s noteworthy that 32% respondents said they try and eat as they would at home, suggesting an attempt to maintain their usual diet, and neither limit nor indulge their eating habits on vacation and 23% said they chose eating more healthy on holiday. Additionally, other healthy food practices that found takers were:
¾ 38% ‘pack healthy foods or snacks to eat during the journey’
¾ 36% ‘choose to order healthy menu items’
¾ 19% ‘purposely choose accommodations where healthy foods are available’
However, dieting & vacations don’t seem to get along as 23% of the surveyed said they stopped a diet they were on, during vacation. Only 14% said they either started or managed to maintain a diet on their holiday.
Vice is Nice on holiday
For most Indians, vacations seem to offer the opportunity to further indulge or give in to their vices, as:
¾ More than half or 57% of those who drink concede to drinking more on holiday then they do at home
¾ 43% of regular smokers smoke more on holiday; also, 7% non-smokers admit they take to the habit while vacationing.
‘Work-out’ not working out for most holidaymakers
According to the survey, 71% respondents affirmed that fitness facilities are rarely or never a consideration when choosing holiday accommodation. This alone is enough indication of travellers’ enthusiasm towards exercising during holiday.
The survey revealed that majority of 68% respondents don’t typically exercise on vacation, while 76% claimed they do exercise at home.
The remaining group of 32% who said they typically exercise on vacation cited their two primary motivators to exercise were to maintain their fitness regimen (36%) and the fact that they enjoy working out (22%). These fitness enthusiasts used their time to maintain their fitness momentum and drove it further as 40% said they exercise the same as they did at home while 25% claimed they actually exercise more on vacation than they typically do at home. In fact 43% of those that exercise on vacation, go well prepared with fitness accessories/equipment on holiday like workout clothes or their own racquets etc.
Indulgent but not lazy
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