Despite the popular belief that holidays are supposed to be a time to unplug, 9 out of 10 Indian travellers (96%) admit to being attached to mobile technology while they are away, ranking above the global average (87%). This is what emerged from the TripAdvisor® TripBarometer Mobile and Social survey. The desire to stay connected with family and friends at home and fear of missing out are the principal reasons driving this growing attachment to mobile connection and social media usage while on holiday.
In addition to ranking above the global average (86%) for the use of mobile devices while on holiday, Indian travellers are also the world’s most likely to brag on social media about their trip. More than a third of Indian travellers (37%) admit to showing off on social media about their holiday – in all, 14% of them admit that they do it to make their friends jealous and 23% say that it wouldn’t be a holiday unless their friends know about it. Globally, only 19% of travellers use social media channels for these two purposes combined.
Keeping Connected with Mobile
According to the TripBarometer Mobile and Social survey, travellers from Indonesia are the most inclined to use mobile devices when they’re on the road (98%),followed by Indian travellers (96%). Globally, out of all generations, 18 to 24 year olds are the most avid users of mobile while travelling (94%) and women (88%) are slightly more attached to their mobile devices while on holiday than men (85%).
Mobile is making it possible for travellers to stay connected at all times during their trip, whether it be via smartphone or tablet. While calling (73%) and texting (62%) remain the key reasons for travellers to use their smartphones while travelling, a significant portion of them are using mobile technology to access social media and to look for recommendations on the go.The study also shows that Indian travellers are more inclined than the average global travellers to use their smartphonesto access social media and look for recommendations while on the go.
Purpose |
Percentage of travellers who use their smartphones while traveling |
Global |
India |
Accessing social media |
32% |
40% |
Sharing social media |
29% |
35% |
Looking for restaurants |
36% |
45% |
Looking for things to do |
27% |
37% |
Looking for hotels |
22% |
33% |
Reading reviews |
24% |
32% |
Social Media to Plan and to Travel
One in three Indian travellers relied on social media to plan their last trip, with a majority using it to see pictures and videos of where they’re going (72%), get recommendations (70%), find inspiration for what to do and see while they’re there (59%)and to look for deals (58%).
According to the study, 61% of travellers globally are also engaging heavily on social media during their holidays. The study reveals that Indian travellers are not only more likely to use social media while on the road (78%), they also to use it more to stay in touch with family and friends.
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