On the basis of the recent visit of Mr. Om Prakash to Japan and his meetings held with various experts in Japan for MICE, his observations can be highly recommended and suitable for India to increase its MICE business in Inbound and Outbound.
1. Mice destinations - Short haulThailand, Malaysia, Singapore & Dubai continue to be favourite MICEdestinations in short haul.
2. Long haul destinations Hong Kong, Macau and China in the east and Switzerland and Paris in the west.
3. MICE has been and will continue to occupy an important place in travel industryfor outbound. The MICE market is going strong as the corporates are interestedto achieve their targets and therefore Incentive tours are the integral part of theirmarketing policy.
4. In the tier of 2 & 3 cities of India, the prospects of MICE outbound is even betterthan major cities. The reason being that a large section of the people in suchcities has not travelled abroad. Hence they are more eager to achieve targetsand get opportunities to avail Incentive tours of MICE
5. India as MICE destination India with its high potential to offer to MICE visitors, can increase its MICEinbound. However there are some bottlenecks that come in the way of itsprogress. India’s infrastructure is way behind its neighboring countries namely,Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore and Dubai. The cost of hotels is comparativelyhigh, which is also due to high taxation component. The exotic night-life islacking. Value for money is better in the neighboring countries in comparison to India.
6. India is trying its best to position itself to deal with enhanced businessopportunities in the MICE segment. However it has to overcome the challengesfaced from competing countries.
7. To attract inbound MICE, the Government should encourage public sector and provide sector investments in MICE Infrastructure It is such a disappointmentthat the demand of modern Exhibition and Convention Centres in the financialcapital city of Mumbai has been raised ever since the Independence of India. Industry delegations had met all the past Chief Ministers of Maharashtra, whoagreed and assured, but nothing implemented as a master plan. Delhi with itsflagship venue “Pragati Maidan” has not been able to renew and rejuvenate themassive requirement in the Exhibitions and Conventions facilities. Certainprojects are lying in cold storage in Delhi and Mumbai.
The private sectors should be encouraged with special industry friendly incentivesthat can push huge capital for building new hotels especially in the budgetcategory and to introduce modern fleet of coaches, to meet increased demands.
JAPAN MICE: I would like to site the wonderful contribution that JAPAN has done bycreating “MICE Research Institute”. The major activities of Japan MICE Research Institute are:
1. Planning and consulting services for domestic and international conferencesand exhibitions.
2. Promotion of PFI, private finance initiative, and PPP, privatization ofgovernment facilities.
3. Planning and research for the development of conference and culturalfacilities.
4. Research of MICE projects overseas.
5. Publicity and publishing related to MICE. Japan MICE Research Institute’s most active contribution is to activate itself, duringany calamity in the country, such as earthquake, Tsunami, act of terrorism or any suchcalamity, which creates negative effect in overseas MICE professionals who desists tovisit Japan.
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