Hotels.com is tripling its marketing spends in India for launching multi-media advertising and promotional campaigns.
"We have increased the marketing spends by almost three times this year compared to earlier," Hotels.com Asia-Pacific Marketing Director Abhiram Chowdhry said without disclosing figures.
While he did not specify the exact amount marketing spend in India, Chowdhry said it would be in line with what Hotel.com's parent Expedia.com plans.
Estimated to be about Rs 25 crore the campaign will focus on both conventional and digital media platforms, including social networking sites like Facebook.
Recently, Expedia.com had announced that it will spend Rs. 25 crore in India in 2011 on marketing and promotion to woo Indian travellers. As a part of new marketing initiatives, Expedia has launched a new campaign -- Big Daddy of Online travel -- in the country.
“We are going to be very competitive (in marketing spends) like Expedia,” Chowdhry said.
“We have a Facebook page which can also be used by users for making hotel bookings. Similarly we are about to launch mobile applications for iPhones and android phones to enable users to make bookings directly from handheld devices,” he added.
Commenting on the potential of the Indian market, Chowdhry said it is among one of the fastest growing markets for the company in the Asia-Pacific region.
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