As per Holland Tourism office, the total number of hotel guests from India increased from 38,000 in 2009 to 49,000 in 2010. There was a staggering increase of 48% in Indian visitor arrivals in the Netherlands through the months from January to September. The comparative growth is tremendous vis-à-vis other European nations. Inbound arrivals to the Netherlands from Germany stood at only 5%, from Belgium it was 9%, Switzerland showed an increase of 11%, Great Britain was12%, while France stood at 18% through 2010 as compared to 2009.
Holland’s overall tourism statistics also show a positive trend. The CBS tourism statistics over Jan-Sept show a growth of 11%.
The international travel market - and thus inbound tourism in the Netherlands is influenced by numerous factors. A strong connection exists between economic growth, prosperity and personal income on the one hand and international travel behaviour on the other. The past few years have seen the dawn of new emerging markets like Asia, Russia and Latin America. A sharply growing holiday participation is expected to be seen particularly among the people of India and China in the coming years.
NBTC expects inbound tourism to continue growing in the coming years based on its analyses and computations. Partly due to the slightly weaker economic conditions that will prevail in the coming years, this increase will initially be achieved with low growth rates, but higher growth is likely to occur from 2020 as the global economy picks up again. Following this development, the number of foreign overnight guests that visit the Netherlands each year will increase by 2.0% to approximately 14.25 million in 2020 (a total growth of almost 30% compared with 2007).
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