Himachal State Government has received Rs 166 crore from Government of India for upgradation of tourism infrastructure in potential areas of the State during the past four years. This was used to create wayside amenities at various tourist locations.
Chief Minister, Prof. Prem Kumar Dhumal, said that tourism had been the pioneer industry of the State which had been contributing significantly towards the State economy besides generating direct and indirect employment and self employment avenues to the people in the State. Added attention had been paid during past four years towards exploring additional possibilities to attract tourists to visit Himachal Pradesh and various facilities had been added to facilitate their visits.
He added that Rs. 30 crore had recently been got sanctioned by the Government for extending tourism infrastructural facilities to other unexplored areas. Out of sanctioned amount of Rs.30 crore, Rs. 737.44 lakh would be spent under Integrated Development of Shivalik Range as a Tourist Circuit by way of providing Wayside Amenities; Rs. 461.27 lakh to be spent under Integrated Development of Tourism Destination by way of creating Parking Facilities at major tourist places; Rs. 904 lakhs to be spent over Tourism Development Activities in Sarkaghat Area in district Mandi;Rs. 797.44 lakh to be spent over Integrated Development of Dhauladhar Range Wayside Amenities.
Prof. Dhumal said that wayside amenities, Tourist Information Centre, Souvenir Shops, Wedding Halls, Toilets, Cloak Rooms, Picnic Spots, Rain Shelters, Rest Points etc. were being constructed in the districts of Bilaspur, Chamba, Hamirpur, Kangra, Una, Kullu, Mandi, Shimla, Sirmour, Solan which a separate tourism circuit had been created for concentrated development of tribal areas in the State. With the creation of quality wayside amenities, more tourists had now started visiting Himachal Pradesh and during preceding financial year tourists double to the population 1.50 crore had visited Himachal Pradesh which also included highest number of 4.85 lakh foreign tourists visiting any State in the country.
The Chief Ministed said that it all had been possible due to the concentrated efforts made by the State Government in giving new dimensions to tourism. A number of unexplored tourist destinations had also been developed to divert tourists from prominent tourist destinations to the new and rural destinations to enjoy close proximity with the nature.
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