The Gorkhaland Territorial Administration (GTA) Sabha on Tuesday passed an estimated budget plan of Rs 356 crore and Rs 298.10 crore under Plan and Non-plan heads, respectively, for 2012-13 fiscal. Besides, Rs 362.98 crore has been sought as an interim fund over a period of eight months.
As per the state plan for sectoral department, budget for the Hill Area Development Project (HADP) has been fixed at Rs 581.97 crore.
However, the budget does not include special assistance of Rs 200 crore for the next three years as promised to the GTA by the central government after the signing of the agreement last year. Tourism got a fillip in the budget proposals.
The GTA plans to set up ropeways at Rohini, Dello and Tukvar in Darjeeling. Water kingdoms at Jamuney, Relli and Belta are also in the offing. "We have proposed various project schemes to the government. We'll need Rs 182.5 crore to implement the projects.
For the water kingdom, we'll need Rs 13 crore," said Roshan Giri, the GTA executive member and in-charge of the education department.
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