Goa will be the first state in the country to have a full-fledged tourist security force (TSF) reporting directly to the tourism department by early next year. The TSF's task will include: patrolling Goan tourist hotspots, preventing crime and generally aiding tourists.
According to a report in TOI, the tourism department, already, has an informal tourist security force of about 35 ex-servicemen working on contract basis. Now, it has advertised for 246 posts of tourist wardens and 230 posts of assistant tourist wardens. The physical tests of the candidates will be conducted from August 16 to August 30 at various centres in the different talukas of Goa. Tourism director Swapnil Naik said that only a few states in India have tourist security forces. For example, Tamil Nadu has enlisted ex-servicemen for such a force.
However, Goa will be the first state to have a full-fledged force of 476 men under 25 years of age in two categories. The tourist security wardens are required to be matriculates and will be on the level of police constables. The assistant tourist wardens may be under-matriculates. The force will report directly to the tourism department