As a facilitative measure to attract more foreign tourists to India, Government of India (GoI) had launched Visa on Arrival (VoA) scheme for citizens of five countries, viz. Finland, Japan, Luxembourg, New Zealand and Singapore, visiting India for tourism purposes, from January 2010. During the period January - September 2010, a total number of 4,493 VoAs were issued under this scheme.
The number of Visas issued under this scheme, during January-September 2010 for nationals of the five countries were: Singapore (1,420), New Zealand (1,117), Japan (980), Finland (934) and Luxembourg (42).
Total number of VoAs issued during September 2010 were 471 with country-wise breakup as: Finland (48), Japan (166), New Zealand (148), Singapore (108) and Luxemburg (one).
During the ninth month period of January - September 2010, the maximum number of VoAs were issued at Delhi Airport (2397), followed by Mumbai (960), Chennai (905) and Kolkata (231).